Unser zuletzt zu uns gesto�enes Mitglied Scorpion musste unseren Clan
wegen pers�nlicher Differenzen leider verlassen.
Wir w�nschen ihm noch viel Erfolg in der Zukunft und bedanken uns f�r
die 15 Monate im Clan.
Die Gr�ndungsmitglieder der Fetten Faust: Axe, Bitbuster, Indi, Ketzer,
Muck, Pth & Thefly
New Member
We have a new member : Raptor, formerly known as Raptor|57th.
Upcoming Week
The upcoming week is getting quite .. well .. stressy :>
Tuesday 21h scrim vs Empire of Azeroth
Wednesday 21h scrim vs Critical Mass
Thurday 21h scrim vs Action Enforcers
Friday 22h tourney in cologne with SK, EA, AF and MTW
..hopefully we are going to win at least one war, duh.
New members : Gurke & Don
We have two new clanmembers, please welcome Gurke an Don. Gurke played Q2 for Fusion and CS for W�rgihn Gibber Force.
Don recently played in the well known TFC Clan ERA.
First Tribes2 Scrim
Today we had our first friendly clanwar against the old Tribes1 clan AF. We lost. No surprise.
Thanks for the game AF, cya in cologne.
Die Fette Faust 's back in business.
After long years of waiting Die Fette Faust is back in business. Tribes2 is our game and we know how to play games.
This is just a beta page to provide some basic informations. The new DFF Site with tons
of information will be up soon.